Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Question 3

35 year old female salesperson comes to the ER with dypsnoea and palpitations. She is sure that this an asthmatic attack and she is going to die. These symptoms began while a bus ride to work. She has had similar symptoms earlier twice in last 2 weeks, and this is her third visit to ER for such a cause. She gives no history of chest pain. She says that there is a lot of stress at work due to the new management. She has no history of asthma or any other medical illnesses in the past. She is sexually active with a male partner and is taking OCPs to prevent pregnancy. Her physical examination is normal except for an increased pulse rate which is regular. What is the best possible diagnosis?

A) Hypochondriasis
B) Hyperthyroidism
C) Panic Attack
D) Pulmonary embolism
E) Generalised anxiety disorder
F) Acute Stress disorder
G) Pneumonia

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Question 2

Barrett's Esophagus is an example of

A) Hyperplasia
B) Metaplasia
C) Dysplasia
D) Carcinoma in situ
E) Malignancy
F) Hamartoma

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Question 1

35 years old female is brough to the ER on new year's night with complaints of severe headache and confusion. In the ER, the patient appears to be confused, and irritable. Her vital signs are normal, except for oxygen stauration of 88 %, and ABG shows hypoxia with normal PO2. Her CBC is normal, Blood sugar level is normal. The accompanying friends also had headache but was not severe enough as the patient. What is the phathophysiology of the complaints?

A) Alcohol induced hypoxia
B) Meningeal irritation
C) Cytochrome oxidase inhibition
D) Panic Attacks
E) Oxidized heme groups

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Exam Approaching Strategy

Every individual would have his or her own style of approaching to Task.
The usual protocol followed is:
Kaplan Notes (+/- DVD)
Rapid review Pathology (Dr. E. F. Goljan: Watch out for new edition which is supposed to be in on 14th August, 2009)
Goljan Audio with Slides
First Aid
Usmle World

Major tested subjects are
Behavioral Sciences
Microbiology, Pharmacology & Physiology are of moderate yield
Anatomy (Emphasis on Neuroanatomy, embryological derivatives) is of lowest yield

Just be positive and aim nothing less than a 99.
We all are capable of getting it,
Belive in yourself and work hard

Good Luck

USMLE Challenger



Hi All USMLE aspirants,

This is a sincere attempt on my part to help you guys through this blog.
It would seem just like any other usmle blog, but my attempt here is to help you grasp the basic concepts usually tested in the USMLE exams, and I would in return just request for your replies or querries, so that we all can get this thing going for the future aspirants.

Wish you all good luck, and may all of you get the desired 90s in each of these steps.

USMLE Challenger


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