Thursday, July 16, 2009

Question 6


An 80 year of Caucasian male is brought to the physician due to skin bruises and is accompanied with his son and daughter in law. The man says he stays alone since his wife died 3 years ago. He has no other significant medical illness. He denies smoking, drinks wine sometimes, and never have used any recreational drugs. He denies any guilt feelings, or any abnormal perceptions. He says he used to walk daily for 5 miles earlier but have lost interest since last 3 years, and rather prefers to stay at home alone. He has lost about 4 lbs. in last 3 years, and has decreased appetite. when asked about his diet he says "since his wife has passed away, there is no one to cook. So he most often eats toast with tea". He occassionally has bleeding while brushing his teeth. His skin examination looks as in the picture above. He denies any falls or abuse, and says "I am perfectly fine, my kids are just anxious". His memory appears to be intact. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A) Elderly Abuse

B) Elderly Neglect

C) Alzheimers

D) Nutritional deficit

E) Hypothyroidism

F) Depression

G) Coagulopathies

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Question 5

(Image Source: Imageshack)

30 day old boy is brought by his mother due to increased vomiting that is projectile in nature since 6 hours ago. The vomitus is not green and only contains clear liquids. The mother is highly apprehensive about the health of the baby and says the baby is just crying and not feeding. On examination the child looks dehydrated, and has tenderness all over the abdomen. On his abdomen the physician notes visible waves. The radiograph taken is shown above. The patient is evaluated and is admitted in the PICU for further management. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A) Duodenal Atresia
B) Hypetrophic pylorus
C) Malrotation
D) Meckels Diverticulum
E) Esophageal atresia
F) Intussusception

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Question 4

A new test is developed that detects almost all cases of disease X within a population before the emergence of symptoms in an individual. Although the disease is detected early, there is no cure for the disease. However, there are medications available for decreasing potential complications arising out of the disease, thus prolonging life. The new test developed would lead to:

A) Decreased sensitivity and increased prevalence of the disease X
B) Decreased sensitivity and decreased prevalence of the disease X
C) Increased sensitivity and increased prevalence of the disease X
D) Increased sensitivity and decreased prevalence of the disease X
E) Decreased specificity and increased prevalence of the disease X
F) Increased specificity and increased prevalence of the disease X
G) Increased specificity and increased Positive predictive value
F) Increased sensitivity and increased Positive predictive value

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